Get Rich Education

#227: You are aging. So is America. The U.S. median age keeps rising.

We need more senior housing. Your demographics are baked in the cake.

Gene Guarino, owner of the Residential Assisted Living (RAL) Academy & I tell you about the opportunity.

Serve seniors by converting Single-Family Homes into Assisted Living Homes (ALHs).

There are two distinct pieces here:

    1) The real estate.

    2) The business with residents & care staff.

Average U.S. ALH tenant pays $4,000 per month x 10 residents = $40,000. Your net is about 30%. That’s $12,000 month.

We discuss how to find the right real estate and strategies for filling it with residents.

Rule of thumb: 300 sf for every resident is quite comfortable.

Learn how an ALH-SFH “Profit & Loss Statement” looks.

ALH tenants are long-term, low impact, and pay above-market “rent”.

My friend Brandon heard Gene here on the show before. Brandon got started. We discuss.

It’s easiest for you to buy an existing business. If you can’t then learn about your care staff’s necessary qualifications.

Financing for ALHs? 80% loans.


Want more wealth?

1) Grab my FREE E-book and Newsletter at:

2) Actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity:

3) Read my best-selling paperback:


Resources mentioned:

Gene’s Online Course

Gene’s Live Course

Brandon’s e-mail:

Mortgage Loans:

Cash Flow Banking:

Turnkey RE:


Find Properties:

Follow us on Instagram: @getricheducation


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Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST