Get Rich Education

#7: Get Rich Education’s inaugural interview is with world-renowned economist, author, consultant, and speaker Richard Duncan.

He informs us that economic growth is no longer driven by production expansion, but rather by credit expansion.

Richard looks into his crystal ball. He tells us what to expect for 2015 and 2016 with respect to the stock market and the economy.

Richard has kindly provided Get Rich Education listeners with a 50% discount to his Macro Watch video newsletter. Use the Coupon Code “gre”.

Learn more about Richard Duncan and subscribing to his video newsletter, Macro Watch,at:

00:50  Keith will tell us how to avoid directly paying Private Mortgage Insurance on your home in the next episode.

03:52 Richard Duncan interview begins.

06:31  Today’s economy works completely different than what is in our textbooks.

07:34  Economic growth is no longer driven by investment and savings, but rather credit creation and consumption.

09:56  Since 1952, 2%+inflation-adjusted credit growth is necessary in the US to avoid recession.

12:20  If you want to invest wisely, you have to understand that the government now manages our economy.

13:56  Prospects for inflation and deflation.

19:48  Richard provides his economic outlook for 2015 and 2016. It includes predictions about the stock market and quantitative easing.

22:30  Opinion and commentary about real estate and real assets as investment. Why homes with land are better investments than condominiums.

24:40  Richard discusses how a 25-year-old investing enthusiast should think and act today.

31:31  U.S. government money could be better used on new industries and technologies.

Direct download: GREepisode7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

#6: Would you rather be debt-free or financially-free?

Did you know that for most people with home mortgages, their approach to home equity management actually prevents them from being financially free?

In this no-holds barred episode, which includes material that has shocked some of Keith’s students, your paradigm with what you thought was true about money management can shift dramatically. 

Homes are for housing people. Not storing cash. 

Opportunity cost is opportunity lost. 

Learn about one of the greatest under-utilizations of using OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY in order to achieve the freedom that you and your loved ones seek. 

Direct download: GREepisode6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

#5: You cannot get what you want until you know what you want. One way to know what’s important to you, is how you feel when that “something” is taken away. 

In real estate investing, the property is not nearly the most important thing. 

This episode is a valuable tool in determining what really matters in life to you and your loved ones. 

Real estate isn’t ultimately what you want. It is merely a resource and a means to get more of what you want.

Find meaning and laugh along with some funny plays on words! 

Learn that you should always be a student.  

Direct download: GREepisode5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

#4: We answer your listener questions, including:

“How do I begin real estate investing with little or no money?”

“What are your tips for starting a business?”

“How do I increase income on an existing rental property?”

Next, is the classic showdown. Which is the better asset class – Stocks or Real Estate? We list fifteen key criteria, comparing stocks and real estate, and see which asset class wins more of the fifteen rounds in this heavyweight face-off!

Especially insightful is Keith’s description of how using a loan in real estate investing hedges one against inflation over the long-term. 

Real estate’s stability as an asset class is featured as one distinct advantage. It includes a fascinating explanation as to why stability provides you with better returns than volatility.

Direct download: GREepisode4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST