Mon, 29 April 2019
Keep your debt. Get financially-free instead. We’re talking about good debt. Retiring your debt often means you can’t retire yourself. Home equity is:
So then, why have so much equity in any one property? Back in The Great Depression Era, banks could call your loan due-in-full anytime. They can’t do that today. Don’t fear mortgages. Embrace them; even collect them! Every dollar that goes into mortgage principal paydown is a dollar that you didn’t invest. Separating equity from your home gives you more dollars to invest, not save. Paying down your mortgage INCREASES your foreclosure risk. Most think the opposite is true. Have a lot of home equity? Treat it as you like. But you probably have more dollars to invest than you think. So what’s the formula? Consider keeping low equity positions in many cash-flowing investment properties. __________________ Want more wealth? 1) Grab my FREE E-book and Newsletter at: 2) Your actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity: 3) Read my best-selling paperback: __________________ Resources mentioned Find Properties: Mortgage Loans: Cash Flow Banking: Turnkey Real Estate: QRP: JWB New Construction Turnkey: Follow us on Instagram: Keith’s personal Instagram:
Mon, 22 April 2019
Chicago and Philly are doomed. Today’s guest, Peter Zeihan of, tells us why. U.S. housing will change with shifts in immigration. Future immigrants will have more skills than current immigrants. Peter & I discuss city-by-city economic fortunes: New York City - Top U.S. destination for capital. But capital is beginning to flow to secondary cities like Charleston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver. NYC is not business-friendly. Philadelphia - Should be an economic powerhouse, but make poor business decisions. Not a world-class city. Will hollow out. Washington, D.C. - Could face problems with contractions in government demand. Cleveland, Pittsburgh - Both trending well with tech-based reinventions. Chicago - Rife with deep economic problems. May take national emergency to save them. Florida metros - Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville areas will keep booming. Memphis - Looks positive. Transportation center. Texas metros - Business-friendly, thriving, decisions made at local level. Big regional differentials in property tax. California - Most economically “unequal” state in U.S. Seattle - What pushes up housing prices? Geographic isthmus, new business. Hawaii - Real estate prices are high and resilient. Much of this is due to geography. With NAFTA’s restructure, Texas and the Great Plains are poised to prosper. Want more of Peter Zeihan? He was on Get Rich Education episodes: 101, 114, 236, 237. __________________ Want more wealth? 1) Grab my FREE E-book and Newsletter at: 2) Your actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity: 3) Read my best-selling paperback: __________________ Resources mentioned Peter Zeihan’s website: Peter Zeihan on Twitter: Mortgage Loans: Cash Flow Banking: Turnkey Real Estate: QRP: JWB New Construction Turnkey: Find Properties: Follow us on Instagram: Keith’s personal Instagram:
Mon, 15 April 2019
Learn how the U.S. compares to the rest of the world today - economically, geopolitically, and demographically. The global order no longer serves American interests. It’s over. Today’s guest, Peter Zeihan of, tells us why. Peter & I also compare strength among global currencies, and discuss inflation vs. deflation, and interest rates. The U.S. has 90-95% economic self-sufficiency. For comparison, Germany’s is 40%. Chinese global financial interaction is waning. Europe’s negative interest rates are a future likelihood. Mexico, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Indonesia are poised for a bright economic future. China and the United Kingdom are expected to be future losers. Zeihan: London will decline. That money and activity will come to New York City. __________________ Want more wealth? 1) Grab my FREE E-book and Newsletter at: 2) Your actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity: 3) Read my best-selling paperback: __________________ Resources mentioned Peter Zeihan’s website: Peter Zeihan on Twitter: Mortgage Loans: Cash Flow Banking: Turnkey Real Estate: QRP: JWB New Construction Turnkey: Find Properties: Follow us on Instagram: Keith’s personal Instagram:
Mon, 8 April 2019
#235: Under age 30? Then you’ve never been smacked in the face with an economic recession. I discuss. At 33, Tim Bratz is an expert in apartment buildings, finding deals, raising money, coaching, personal development, and mindset. Tim’s real estate epiphany came when he saw a lucrative Manhattan real estate deal from the inside. He bought his first house in Charleston, SC in 2009 with a credit card for $14,000. Today, he has substantial equity in 2,000 doors and $150M+ in value. The key? "Give before you ask." I ask Tim about falling apartment cap rates today. He has an answer and plan for resilience. He buys distressed properties at a discount and forces appreciation. Tim attributes his rapid success to attending mastermind groups. __________________ Want more wealth? 1) Grab my FREE E-book and Newsletter at: 2) Your actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity: 3) Read my best-selling paperback: __________________ Resources mentioned Tim Bratz Websites: Tim Bratz Facebook: Mortgage Loans: Cash Flow Banking: Turnkey Real Estate: QRP: JWB New Construction Turnkey: Find Properties: Follow us on Instagram: Keith’s personal Instagram:
Mon, 1 April 2019
#234: Learn why Millennials still cannot buy homes, and why real estate sales are down. Real estate cannot be flash-printed or mined. It has a finite supply. If you live in an investor-advantaged market in the Midwest or South, should you still buy out-of-market? Get mortgage pre-approval before you make offers on property at Wealth Factory’s Garrett Gunderson & I discuss why net worth is not the top wealth measure. Learn the “one question” to define another’s scarcity and abundance mentality. Two key formulas: Cash Flow Index = Loan Amount / Min. Monthly Payment Investment Index = Down Payment / Monthly Cash Flow I’m bringing you today’s show from the southern Caribbean island of Bonaire. __________________ Want more wealth? 1) Grab my FREE E-book and Newsletter at: 2) Your actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity: 3) Read my best-selling paperback: __________________
Garrett’s Website: Garrett’s Book: Text “WWRD” to (801)503-9667 Mortgage Loans: Cash Flow Banking: Turnkey Real Estate: QRP: JWB New Construction Turnkey: Find Properties: Follow us on Instagram: Keith’s personal Instagram: