Fri, 24 April 2015
#28: How to invest in cash-flowing, turnkey agricultural real estate with Keith’s trusted provider. You own the land. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:33 Agriculture is one of the earliest human uses of real estate. 03:52 Coffee has sustainable world demand. Specialty coffee has short supply and high demand. 04:30 Some of the world’s most savvy economists are now investing in agriculture. 09:21 David Sewell, Founder of International Coffee Farms (ICFC), compares Panama’s infrastructure and business climate to other world nations. 13:56 David has a history of success by providing cash flow to investors with Colombian coffee farms. Today, he does this for you in Panama. 15:51 The difference between specialty coffee and commercial coffee. 18:41 The points grading system for coffee quality. 20:00 The strength of ICFC’s management team and harvest methods optimize investor cash flow. 25:15 Social sustainability - investors help farm hands. 27:41 Your investor rates of return. 31:51 The timing of your projected cash flow payouts. 34:10 The coffee farm parcels that Keith owns is the only real estate in his portfolio that he will never sell. 34:30 Farm tours are open to both investors and those just potentially interested. 38:55 David Sewell reveals the very generous offer that he makes just for Get Rich Education listeners by sending your name & contact info. to
Resources mentioned: International Coffee Farms website E-mail and provide your contact info. for a generous discount on this investment, only for Get Rich Education listeners through July 31, 2015. Specialty Coffee Association Of America – coffee points grading system - Get your free audiobook & 30-day free trial |
Fri, 17 April 2015
#27: Mark Podolsky tells Get Rich Education how he produces cash flow from raw land. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:05 Residential property management, fees, and an operations example at Keith’s 11-plex apartment building. 06:51 The classic professional management vs. self-management debate. 07:47 Mark Podolsky’s model eliminates the need for any property management at all. 09:57 Mark Podolsky interview begins and he explains his business model. 15:10 How to find out when & where land auctions are. 16:28 An example of how to structure a cash flowing raw land deal. 18:06 Why you can buy others’ raw land for pennies on the dollar. 19:29 How to identify the best land parcels. 25:45 How to start with essentially zero money. 28:11 What one needs to know before starting. 30:02 Mark’s big mistake.
Resources mentioned: The Best Passive Income Model podcast |
Fri, 10 April 2015
#26: Keith takes the microphone himself this week, helping cultivate an abundance mindset to give investors new epiphanies and motivation. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:14 Do you seek information or affirmation? 04:59 The quickest path to your wealth is guided by The Law Of Conformity. You might want to edit your existing friends list! 07:25 A profound comparison between slug, ant, hen, and human. How this helps you elevate awareness. 10:08 How expansionary investing thought permeates into other facets of your life. 12:45 A spin on how to define your goal. 15:55 “Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs” applied to your real estate investing life. 21:23 The value in “thinking about how you’re thinking”. 23:03 For more shows like this, listen to Get Rich Education episodes 1, 2, 5, and 17.
Resources mentioned: Robert Kiyosaki’s new book Second Chance Get any free audiobook & 30-day free trial at |
Fri, 3 April 2015
#25: There aren’t many famous real estate investors. There’s Barbara Corcoran, Donald Trump, Ted Turner, and today’s guest…Ken McElroy. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:00 Keith cannot think of a greater contributor to real estate investing education this generation than Ken McElroy. 04:04 Last month, Robert Kiyosaki, Ken, and Keith were in the same room when Robert dubbed Ken McElroy “The Greatest Real Estate Investor In The World Today.” 05:08 Ken began in real estate as a Seattle property manager. 08:12 RE agents often don’t own investment real estate and they try to “sell buyers on the future.” Instead, use a Property Manager to find what rents really will be. 11:30 Buy investment real estate for cash flow rather than capital gains. 13:23 “Real estate is really dumb and it moves slow.” Buy where the jobs are going to be. 15:40 How Ken looks for opportunity in a new purchase. 16:50 When Ken would want to buy a vacant four-plex rather than an occupied one. 20:18 Actionable ways to add value to multifamily properties. 25:30 How large of a property does it take for on-site property management to make sense? 27:47 How Ken beats out other offers for a property that he wants to buy. 31:28 The time and freedom that real estate investing affords Ken’s family. 32:46 The advice that today’s Ken McElroy would provide to a 20-year-old Ken McElroy.
Resources mentioned: - Online video tutorials from Ken! Ken McElroy’s top-selling book The ABCs of Real Estate Investing Robert Kiyosaki’s new book Second Chance |